What’s everyone’s Alfred workflow ?
First, get the pro pack!
- Create snippets for login usernames and passwords for apps you are testing.
- Create snippets for really anything you have to type over
I use the clipboard history all the time!
Launch from Hotkey
Audio Switch
Manage hidden file
Bind these scripts to hot keys:
on alfred_script(q)
tell application "Spotify"
next track
end tell
end alfred_script
on alfred_script(q)
tell application "Spotify"
previous track
end tell
end alfred_script
WOW. This is awesome ! Thanks!
EDIT: My current setup for Alfred is pretty vanilla with a few tweaks:
a) rebinding cmd+cmd to launch Alfred instead of cmd+space.
b) bind “dev” to open current project I’m working on.
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I used to use CMD-CMD for Alfred, but I switched to option-option, because I use a logitech mouse in this way:
CMD-CMD would conflict with the Logitech binding and bring up Alfred when I’d try to flip between tabs quickly.
Just discovered the Alfred Emoji Workflow. WOW! Useful!