Yosemite, Zeus, and the parallel_tests gem!

Here are the steps to move away from zeus-parallel_tests.

Once you do that, you can run the your parallel_tests without zeus. I showed in this article Fast Tests: Comparing Zeus With Spring on Rails 4.1 and RSpec 3 that it doesn’t make much of a difference using a loader like Zeus when running parallel_tests.

Then you can run your parallel_tests without zeus per the instructions for the parallel_tests gem, like this:

parallel_rspec spec

Steps to remove zeus-parallel_tests

1. Uninstall zeus:

gem uninstall zeus

2. Install latest zeus:

gem install zeus

3. Remove zeus-parallel_tests gem from Gemfile

4. Update parallel_tests gem

bundle update parallel_tests

5. Run zeus init to create new versions of custom_plan.rb and zeus.json

Your diffs should be similar to what’s shown below.

zeus init



--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
-  gem "zeus-parallel_tests"


--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
-    zeus (0.13.3)
-      method_source (>= 0.6.7)
-    zeus-parallel_tests (0.2.4)
-      parallel_tests (>= 0.11.3)
-      zeus (~> 0.13.3)
-    parallel (1.0.0)
-    parallel_tests (1.0.0)
+    parallel (1.3.3)
+    parallel_tests (1.0.7)
@@ -650,4 +645,3 @@ DEPENDENCIES
-  zeus-parallel_tests


diff --git a/custom_plan.rb b/custom_plan.rb
index 87d27cb..10beda1 100644
--- a/custom_plan.rb
+++ b/custom_plan.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-require 'zeus/parallel_tests'
+require 'zeus/rails'
+class CustomPlan < Zeus::Rails
+  # def my_custom_command
+  #  # see https://github.com/burke/zeus/blob/master/docs/ruby/modifying.md
+  # end
-class CustomPlan < Zeus::ParallelTests::Rails
-  # Your custom methods go here
 Zeus.plan = CustomPlan.new


diff --git a/zeus.json b/zeus.json
index 36bf44a..aa33e03 100644
--- a/zeus.json
+++ b/zeus.json
@@ -5,22 +5,16 @@
     "boot": {
       "default_bundle": {
         "development_environment": {
-          "prerake": {
-            "rake": []
-          },
+          "prerake": {"rake": []},
           "runner": ["r"],
           "console": ["c"],
           "server": ["s"],
           "generate": ["g"],
           "destroy": ["d"],
-          "dbconsole": ["db"],
-          "parallel_rspec": []
+          "dbconsole": []
         "test_environment": {
-          "test_helper": {
-            "test": ["rspec"],
-            "parallel_rspec_worker": []
-          }
+          "test_helper": {"test": ["rspec", "testrb"]}