Using the better_errors (with RubyMine)

In case you don’t use the better_errors gem, here’s a few screen grabs that show why this is so useful.

Without better_errors

When you don’t use better_errors, your error page might look like this:

With better_errors

Click to go directly to your editor

Exact line from stack trace

It’s pretty neat that you can configure RubyMine to go right to the error:

Here’s the steps for RubyMine:

Configure RubyMine with the better_errors Gem

  1. Create command line launcher in RubyMine, with menu Tools -> Create Command Line Launcher

  2. Add gem and run bundle

    group :development do
      gem 'better_errors'
  3. Place this in development.rb

    BetterErrors.editor='x-mine://open?file=%{file}&line=%{line}' if defined? BetterErrors