Upgrading capybara-webkit to use qt5

Installing and using qt5

brew info qt5

Check the output. Does the version say less than 5.5? If so, install qt5.

brew update
brew uninstall qt
brew install qt5

or if you have qt5

brew update
brew upgrade qt5

Note, you must run brew update to get the latest “formula” for qt5!

Then you need to run

gem uninstall capybara-webkit
QMAKE=/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.5.0/bin/qmake bundle install

NOTE: you might need to change the path from 5.4.2.

React Capybara Tests

We updated the example so that it now has feature specs!

The main trick to getting capybara-webkit working with ReactJs seems to be to ensure that you have qt version 5. qt version 4 does not seem to work.

Copied from the README.md

Running Tests

We have feature tests in /spec/features

Run the tests with rspec.

If you get errors when running rspec in that it can’t find expected DOM elements, then you’ll want to
check if you have qt-4.x installed. You need at least qt-5 installed.