Remote Pair Programming Tips Using RubyMine and Screenhero - Rails on Maui

Per the recommendation of Tim Connor of Cloud City Development, I started using an iPad for telepresence for only the video, using Google Hangouts, muting the microphone on the Hangout, and using the audio on Screenhero. While one can run Google Hangouts on the laptop, it can really suck up the CPU. Note, an iPhone or probably an Android phone or table would work equally as well. In terms of the audio, the microphone and speakers are better on the computer. If one is using the laptop for the telepresence video, and using multiple screens, it’s key to use the camera on the screen where one will be looking at the Hangout, and not at the Screenhero screen. As shown from the below pictures, it’s key that it’s obvious when the pairing partners are looking at each other versus at Screenhero. Incidentally, Screenhero did not suffer from any degradation when combined with the Google Hangout, regardless of using the Hangout on the laptop or mobile device.

In the below images, note where our eyes are focused.

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