My Talk: Concerns, Decorators, Presenters, Service Objects, Helpers, Help me Decide
(Lack of) Live Coding in my Talk
Due to time constraints, I chose to skip the live coding I had prepared to do in my talk. Please let me know if you’d be interested in a screencast walking through the sample code. I will create one if there is sufficient demand.
RailsConf 2014 Pictures
- Please share, so long as you don’t remove the watermark.
- Email me if you’d like any full size, non-watermarked copies.
Photos on Flickr:
Photos on Facebook
The same photo albums on my Rails on Maui Facebook Page. Please tag yourself and your friends.
- RailsConf 2014 Day 0, speaker dinner
- RailsConf 2014 Day 1, including after party at the Public House
- RailsConf 2014 Day 2
- RailsConf 2014 Day 2, Basecamp Party
- RailsConf 2014 Day 3
- RailsConf 2014 Day 3, Public House Party
- RailsConf 2014 Day 4
I hope you like the pictures.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at