I recently had a chance to pair with Justin Searls of TestDouble, and we got
to chatting about pry and the odd Hash[]
constructor. Here’s a few tips that you
might find useful.
The main reason I use pry are:
- Testing Ruby syntax.
- Documentation and source code browsing.
- History support.
into the an object to change the context, andls
to list methods of that object.
Pry Configuration
To install pry with rails, place this in your Gemfile
Then run bundle install
. Then run rails console
. That gets you the default
pry configuration. At the bottom of this article is my ~/.pryrc
(gist). Create
that file and then run rails c
(short for rails console
You’ll see this useful reminder of the customizations:
Helpful shortcuts: h : hist -T 20 Last 20 commands hg : hist -T 20 -G Up to 20 commands matching expression hG : hist -G Commands matching expression ever used hr : hist -r hist -rto run a command Samples variables a_array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] a_hash: { hello: "world", free: "of charge" }
Testing syntax: Hash[]
The Hash[]
method is one of the odder methods in Ruby, and oh-so-useful if
you’re doing map, reduce types of operations.
For example, how do you transform all the keys in a hash to be uppercase?
How about if we try this in pry (note, a_hash defined in my .pryrc).
[1] (pry) main: 0> a_hash { :hello => "world", :free => "of charge" } [2] (pry) main> a_hash.map { |k,v| [k.to_s.upcase, v] } [ [0] [ [0] "HELLO", [1] "world" ], [1] [ [0] "FREE", [1] "of charge" ] ]
OK, that gives us an Array of tuples.
Then run these two commands. _
is the value of the last expression.
> tmp = _ > Hash[tmp] { "HELLO" => "world", "FREE" => "of charge" }
Bingo! Now let’s dig into this a bit more.
Memoization with Hash
Hash has another unusual constructor useful for memoizing a method’s return value when parameters are involved. Justin Weiss wrote a good article explaining it: 4 Simple Memoization Patterns in Ruby (and One Gem).
Here’s a quick sample in Pry:
[5] (pry) main: 0> hh = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = k * 2 } {} [6] (pry) main: 0> hh[2] 4 [7] (pry) main: 0> hh[4] 8
You can even use an array for the key values:
[8] (pry) main: 0> hh = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = k[0] * k[1] } {} [9] (pry) main: 0> hh[[2,3]] 6 [10] (pry) main: 0> hh[[4,5]] 20
Browsing Documentation and Source
It’s super useful to be able to see the documentation for any method easily,
which you can do by the ?
command. Similarly, you can also see the source, by
using $
[3] (pry) main> ? Hash[] From: hash.c (C Method): Owner: #Visibility: public Signature: [](*arg1) Number of lines: 12 Creates a new hash populated with the given objects. Similar to the literal { _key_ => _value_, ... }. In the first form, keys and values occur in pairs, so there must be an even number of arguments. The second and third form take a single argument which is either an array of key-value pairs or an object convertible to a hash. Hash["a", 100, "b", 200] #=> {"a"=>100, "b"=>200} Hash[ [ ["a", 100], ["b", 200] ] ] #=> {"a"=>100, "b"=>200} Hash["a" => 100, "b" => 200] #=> {"a"=>100, "b"=>200}
Hmmmm…. Hash[]
also takes a plain array. Let’s try that:
[16] (pry) main: 0> a_array [ [0] 1, [1] 2, [2] 3, [3] 4, [4] 5, [5] 6 ] [17] (pry) main: 0> Hash[*a_array] { 1 => 2, 3 => 4, 5 => 6 }
Also note that you can see instance methods by prefixing the method name with
or using an actual instance, like this:
[19] (pry) main: 0> ? Hash#keys From: hash.c (C Method): Owner: Hash Visibility: public Signature: keys() Number of lines: 5 Returns a new array populated with the keys from this hash. See also Hash#values. h = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200, "c" => 300, "d" => 400 } h.keys #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d"] [20] (pry) main: 0> ? a_hash.keys
Browsing History
History expansion in pry is also nice. As mentioned above, my .pryrc
has 4
history aliases.
h : hist -T 20 Last 20 commands hg : hist -T 20 -G Up to 20 commands matching expression hG : hist -G Commands matching expression ever used hr : hist -r hist -rto run a command
Let’s try those out. It’s import to note that the -T
tails results after doing
the grep of the whole history. I.e., the -T 20
strips the results down to the
last 20 that matched.
Show last 20 commands.
[10] (pry) main: 0> h 1: a_hash 2: a_hash.map { |k,v| [key.upcase, v] } 3: a_hash.map { |k,v| [key.to_s.upcase, v] } 4: a_hash.map { |k,v| [k.upcase, v] } 5: a_hash.map { |k,v| [k.to_s.upcase, v] } 6: tmp = _ 7: Hash[tmp] 8: ? Hash[] 9: $ Hash[]
Grep all commands for upcase and show last 20 matches.
[11] (pry) main: 0> hg upcase 2: a_hash.map { |k,v| [key.upcase, v] } 3: a_hash.map { |k,v| [key.to_s.upcase, v] } 4: a_hash.map { |k,v| [k.upcase, v] } 5: a_hash.map { |k,v| [k.to_s.upcase, v] }
Grep all commands for upcase and show all. The history of my example is short so below is the same as above. If the history were longer, as it typically will be, then you might get pages of results!
[12] (pry) main: 0> hG upcase 2: a_hash.map { |k,v| [key.upcase, v] } 3: a_hash.map { |k,v| [key.to_s.upcase, v] } 4: a_hash.map { |k,v| [k.upcase, v] } 5: a_hash.map { |k,v| [k.to_s.upcase, v] } 11: hg upcase
cd and ls within Pry
I love to use cd
and ls
in pry
changes the context of pry, a bit like the current directory in the shell, except for Ruby objects. And classes are objects too! -
lists methods available on an object, a bit like listing files in the shell.
[22] (pry) main: 0> cd a_hash.keys [26] (pry) main / #: 1> length 2 [27] (pry) main / # : 1> first :hello [28] (pry) main / # : 1> last :free [29] (pry) main / # : 1> ls Enumerable#methods: all? chunk detect each_entry each_with_index entries find flat_map index_by lazy max member? min_by minmax_by one? partition slice_before sum to_table any? collect_concat each_cons each_slice each_with_object exclude? find_all group_by inject many? max_by min minmax none? original_grep reduce sort_by to_set to_text_table JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Array#methods: to_json_without_active_support_encoder Statsample::VectorShorthands#methods: to_scale to_vector SimpleCov::ArrayMergeHelper#methods: merge_resultset Array#methods: & []= clear cycle drop_while fill frozen? inspect permutation push reverse select slice! third to_gsl_integration_qaws_table to_qaws_table unshift * abbrev collect dclone each find_index grep join place rassoc reverse! select! sort to to_gsl_vector to_query values_at append collect! deep_dup each_index first hash keep_if pop recode_repeated reverse_each shelljoin sort! to_a to_gslv to_s zip - as_json combination delete empty? flatten in_groups last prefix reject rindex shift sort_by! to_ary to_gv to_sentence | at compact! delete_eql extract_options! forty_two include? map pretty_print repeated_combination rotate! shuffle! suffix to_default_s to_json transpose == blank? concat delete_if fetch fourth index map! pretty_print_cycle repeated_permutation sample size take to_formatted_s to_json_with_active_support_encoder uniq [] bsearch count drop fifth from insert pack product replace second slice take_while to_gsl_integration_qawo_table to_param uniq! self.methods: __pry__ locals: _ __ _dir_ _ex_ _file_ _in_ _out_ _pry_
It’s worth noting that you can see the modules declaring the methods of the object.
To see more of what pry can do for you, simply type help
at the command line.
My ~/.pryrc file
Create a file in your home directory called ~/.pryrc
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://www.railsonmaui.com//blog/2014/08/17/pry-ruby-and-fun-with-the-hash-constructor/