Need to add node buildpack to Rails app still?

I did a little check to see if one needs to add the Node buildpack directly for a React on Rails app. One might guess that since webpacker is a default, then you wouldn’t need to do this.

It seems that the answer is still yes.

heroku buildpacks:set heroku/ruby
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs

If you don’t do that, you might get some error like this:

git push heroku                                                           [15:17:35]
Enumerating objects: 196, done.
Counting objects: 100% (196/196), done.
Delta compression using up to 16 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (171/171), done.
Writing objects: 100% (196/196), 165.94 KiB | 6.38 MiB/s, done.
Total 196 (delta 65), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Compressing source files... done.
remote: Building source:
remote:  !     Warning: Multiple default buildpacks reported the ability to handle this app. The first buildpack in the list below will be used.
remote: 			Detected buildpacks: Ruby,Node.js
remote: 			See

and then later in the build log:

remote:        Running: rake assets:precompile
remote:        yarn install v1.16.0
remote:        warning package.json: No license field
remote:        warning No license field
remote:        [1/5] Validating package.json...
remote:        warning No license field
remote:        error @: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "13.9.0". Got "10.15.3"
remote:        error @: The engine "yarn" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "1.22.4". Got "1.16.0"
remote:        error Found incompatible module.
remote:        info Visit for documentation about this command.
remote:        Compiling...
remote:        Compilation failed:
remote:        yarn run v1.16.0
remote:        info Visit for documentation about this command.
remote:        warning package.json: No license field
remote:        warning package.json: No license field
remote:        error Command "webpack" not found.
remote:  !
remote:  !     Precompiling assets failed.
remote:  !
remote:  !     Push rejected, failed to compile Ruby app.
remote:  !     Push failed
remote: Verifying deploy...
remote: !	Push rejected to test-only-ruby-buildpack.
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to ''