Will CSS go the way of JavaScript with modules?
And if already using React + Webpack?
Will CSS go the way of JavaScript with modules?
And if already using React + Webpack?
Hello @justin
I was checking how to use bootstrap-loader.
I notice that React CSS Modules is not used by the bootstrap-loader.
For example:
<span className={css.text}>It.</span>
Why bootstrap-loader don’t use React CSS Modules in order to be able to use css like this:
<span styleName='text'>It.</span>
I’m a Rails developer, I’d like to know your opinion about this matter.
Additionaly I found another Bootstrap css module implementation that uses React CSS Modules.
Which one is better ?
Thanks in advance.
I’m not clear on the question. bootstrap-loader
is separate than using webpack for CSS modules.
From https://github.com/gajus/react-css-modules:
What’s the Problem?
webpack css-loader itself has several disadvantages:
- You have to use camelCase CSS class names.
- You have to use styles object whenever constructing a className.
- Mixing CSS Modules and global CSS classes is cumbersome.
- Reference to an undefined CSS Module resolves to undefined without a warning.
I don’t really see those as worth moving away from the simplicity of the plain webpack solution.
So I’d stick to our example: GitHub - shakacode/react-webpack-rails-tutorial: Example of integration of Rails, react, redux, using the react_on_rails gem, webpack, enabling the es7 and jsx transpilers, and node integration. And React Native! Live Demo:, live at http://www.reactrails.com/.