What’s it like to add a JavaScript library when Webpack is integrated into your Ruby on Rails environment, per my article: Fast Rich Client Rails Development With Webpack and the ES6 Transpiler?
It’s super easy! But what if you want some of your the legacy JavaScript or CoffeeScript code in your Rails app to access the Webpack added library?
Here’s a real world example. Suppose you want your JavaScript code to round numbers to decimal places. Math.round() only rounds decimal numbers to the nearest integer. A code sample on that page is provided to show you how round numbers off to some number of decimal places.
A quick Google for JavaScript libraries finds npm package compute-roundn. A look at the github repository for compute-io/roundn reveals clean code and it has some tests.
So should you copy some cribbed JavaScript code example or maybe copy-paste the
source of some code into your /vendor/assets/javascripts
directory? What’s the
disadvantage of doing this?
- It becomes your problem to maintain this code. Imagine if you had to maintain all the code behind the Ruby Gems in your Rails project?
- If you copy the code, are you going to create some tests?
- What if this code depends on other JavaScript libraries? Or what if you later want a library that depends on this library?
There is a better way, by using npm packages. And yes, there are alternatives for Rails using Bower, but many more packages are available via npm than Bower. There is also the browserify-rails gem, and the steps below mostly apply to this gem.
Assuming that you’ve got your Rails codebase set up per my article article on Webpack in Rails, as shown in this sample Github repo: justin808/react-webpack-rails-tutorial, you’ll need to follow these steps.
- Google for the npm package that you wish to use. I typically Google “npm
”. Then take a look at the code and see how popular it is. You’ll want to more carefully examine the code of less popular node packages, as with less popularity, there’s a great likelihood of unreported and unfixed bugs. - In my case, I found the package for “compute-roundn”, so I ran this command:
That adds this entry to your /package.json
npm install compute-roundn –save
1 2
{ "dependencies": { "compute-roundn": "^1.0.0",
- Run the command to create
It’s critical that you don’t forget to update this file, because if you forget, your Heroku build will fail, as the Node buildpack will not install your newly added package!1
- If you needed this code for your module based Webpack code, then you just
need to add in the require line at the top of relevant JavaScript file, like
this (as show in the npm readme for roundn):
Yipee. That’s it!
var roundn = require( 'compute-roundn' );
- If you need this library for your existing Rails JavaScript or CoffeeScript
code, then you’ll need to globally export the library. Assuming that the
module code based code is not needing this library as well, then you’ll want
to edit your file called /webpack/scripts/rails_only.jsx and add this
That file gets loaded by webpack.rails.config.js and not by running the Webpack Dev server.
window.roundn = require("compute-roundn");
- There is an alternative approach of modifying the webpack config file, if you
were also referencing this library for some other Webpack bundled code. This,
you would change webpack.rails.config.js file with these lines:
Note, that doesn’t work unless you have other code loaded by Webpack that “requires” this package.
exports.module.loaders = [{ test: 1
require.resolve("compute-roundn"), loader: "expose?roundn" }];
- When you deploy to Heroku, you see this:
-----> Installing dependencies compute-roundn@1.0.0 node_modules/compute-roundn
If you have problems with your Heroku deploy failing to install dependencies, check out this article in my forum: Notes on Deploying to Heroku with GSL and Node.
You maybe wondering, “why not just use the browserify-rails gem, which is slightly simpler in terms of setup. A good reason would be that you want to use JSX and ES6 transpilers with your JavaScript code. That was my reason.
That’s it! I hope you agree is way better than copy-pasting dependencies.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://www.railsonmaui.com//blog/2014/10/08/adding-a-js-library-when-using-webpack/