Updating and using NVM

I just noticed some issues I was getting recent versions of node and I realized that a number of things on my system required updating.

Updating NVM

cd ~/.nvm
git fetch
# See latest tags, and pick a tag
git checkout v0.25.4

Then open up a new shell, and you have the latest

Updating node versions

After that, I had update node

# Install 0.12
nvm install 0.12

# Set default to 0.12
nvm alias default 0.12

Project .nvmrc

After you do that, you can have a .nvmrc in your project. This file contains one line, like this:


And then you’re locking your project to node version 0.12.7.

Due to the split off and merge of io.js (renegade Node developers tired of slow upgrades to Node versions), node itself passed quickly through several major versions and is now at 5.5.0.